Kombat Creed Championship

Fight paramedic

Become a “Certified Fight Paramedic” !!

Do you know 25% MMA fighters loose their careers due to injuries ?

**Help yourself and your brothers by learning**

Save a Limb !         Save a life!!

**Launch a career as a Certified Fight Paramedic !

For the Fighter by the Fighter “

For the first time in India

KCC proudly launches “Certification course for Fight Paramedic “

Become a certified member of an Elite national and international task force .

Get Trained in a program designed for fighters by an International panel of Fight doctors .

Learn “hands on skills”  from the experts .

Features : Single day Hands on Instruction & Skill workshop

  1. Basic life support skills
  2. Identify concussion & Head injury
  3. Identify Chest injury
  4. Plaster and splint techniques for Arm and leg fractures
  5. Joint Dislocation management
  6. Pain management
  7. Safe transport to Health care facility
  8. Medical Kit preparation

Eligibility criteria

  1. Education – XIIth pass ( all streams accepted)
  2. Nominal fees ( to be announced )

Who will benefit ?

  1. Fighters from all martial arts & combat sports
  2. Mentors
  3. Coaches
  4. Gym and Dojo assistants

How to register ?


(Nominal fee to be announced)

Feel the below form to register: