Kombat Creed Championship
Fight paramedic
Become a “Certified Fight Paramedic” !!
Do you know 25% MMA fighters loose their careers due to injuries ?
**Help yourself and your brothers by learning**
Save a Limb ! Save a life!!
**Launch a career as a Certified Fight Paramedic !
“For the Fighter by the Fighter “
For the first time in India
KCC proudly launches “Certification course for Fight Paramedic “
Become a certified member of an Elite national and international task force .
Get Trained in a program designed for fighters by an International panel of Fight doctors .
Learn “hands on skills” from the experts .
Features : Single day Hands on Instruction & Skill workshop
- Basic life support skills
- Identify concussion & Head injury
- Identify Chest injury
- Plaster and splint techniques for Arm and leg fractures
- Joint Dislocation management
- Pain management
- Safe transport to Health care facility
- Medical Kit preparation
Eligibility criteria
- Education – XIIth pass ( all streams accepted)
- Nominal fees ( to be announced )
Who will benefit ?
- Fighters from all martial arts & combat sports
- Mentors
- Coaches
- Gym and Dojo assistants
How to register ?
(Nominal fee to be announced)